Solutions for all your budgeting, strategic planning and financial forecasting needs
Financial Forecasting, Capital Planning, Cash-Flow What-Ifs, Management Reporting

Financial Budget Planning
- Create useful, realistic financial plans linked to operational sales budgets
- Connect Finance & Operations in a single platform
- Single version of the truth
- Identify problems quickly and drill into detail to adjust
- Automate Consolidation Process including currency translation and inter-company elimination
- Deal with multiple scenarios, segments, legal entities etc.

Cash-flow & Profitability What-if Analysis
- Make better decisions through “what if” comparisons
- Understand how change affects profitability through writeback features
- P&L and BS Calculations
- Automatic Cashflow calculations

Capital Planning
- Capital Expenditure Requirements Calculation
- Workforce Requirements to meet Sales Revenue Budgets
- Asset Planning

Management Reporting
- Financial Consolidation and Inter-Company Eliminations
- Multi-Level Allocation and Drill-down
- P&L and BS Dashboards
- Connected with information from Operations, Sales & Marketing

Sales Budget Planning
- Connect Operations with Finance
- High-level strategic planning based on current quantity forecasts, future prices and costs
- Incorporate Sales & Marketing Input using flexible aggregations and collaboration. Products, Channels, Customer Categories, Accounts, Brands, Geographies
- Support Full Budget Workflows

Top-down Bottom-Up Hierarchical Aggregation & Writebacks
- Advanced rules in managing top-down edits through write-back functionality right into the pivot tables or business intelligence reports.
- Users could edit the value or the quantity at top aggregated levels and the system will break them down to lower levels of detail across the product, geography or time dimension according to standard or pre-defined custom rules.

Future Sales & Cost Prices What-If Analysis
An important aspect of the budget value is the definition and incorporation of accurate sales and cost prices in the budget. Especially when calculating budgets at product family level, using average sales and cost prices could result in inaccuracies. Our solution provides the possibility to import future time-phased sales & cost prices per SKU and supports the ability to increase or decrease these prices to run what-if scenarios and see how changes in the prices affect the forecasted quantities and the overall P&L of the enterprise.

Customer Discount Policies & Supplier Contracts What-if Analysis
Setting a policy for customer discounts is a key process for many enterprises that want to retain top customers and provide correct incentives to the rest. In parallel the finance department would want to simulate these policies and see the effects on the total budget P&L and perhaps compare them with current practices or actuals. Complex discount tiering, sales increase scenarios where discounts change for customers, groups of customers etc. and looking at overall differences between these scenarios at top management level supports a process to approve such policies and ensure the budget is consistent. Same goes with the other end of the chain, supplier contract discounts and how cost can be lowered by leveraging volume on to suppliers and how different rules and contract terms can be simulated in advanced what-if scenarios.

New Product Introduction (NPI) Management
Entering a budget at product category levels while ensuring new products or services that will be effecting within the budgeted year is a challenging act. These products need to be forecasted, their sales and cost prices estimated and their rough contribution to the company budgeted. Full support of NPI during the budget cycle and following it up during tactical and operational plans is key to achieving our annual targets and planning NPIs effectively.